Going to a therapist can seem to strike at the core of how we see ourselves as men. After all, to appear dependent on another person isn’t what men aspire to. And unfortunately, our culture supports this idea.
Yet, some of us are simply slow processors and could benefit from having a sounding board. Or sometimes we need to be able to lay everything out on the table and start sorting it out.
Some guys just need to be heard, some need to be challenged and then others feel the need to “get to the bottom” of what they are struggling with.
I’ve spent many hours with men that found that baring their souls with a professional counselor is helpful in finding their way through life. Regardless of what the specifics are, the truth is that what we really need is to find our own paths!
Counselors simply help facilitate this process.
The bottom line is that counseling doesn’t try to change who you are, it is simply a starting point to become the person you want to be.
Everyone goes through difficult times so why go it alone? The only way to know if I can be helpful to you is for us to sit down together and start talking about what it is you’re looking for.
Seeing a counselor doesn’t make you weak man.
If anything, it makes you stronger.
A stronger dad.
A stronger husband.
A stronger leader.
If you want to start your journey to become the person you want to be, give me a call today.

Steve Howell
Mens, Couples & Adolescent Therapist
I help men and couples pick up the pieces of their life by providing a safe space to navigate the best way forward.
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