These past few weeks have been crazy. We’ve all been pushed to places we’ve never imagined. The...
Cedar Tree Blog
Online Counseling Now Available
These are days that we couldn’t have imagined. Covid -19 has turned our world on its head. You may...
4 Signs That Your Teen May Be Playing Too Many Video Games
Video games can be very fun and a great way to spend time with family and friends, it can even...
4 Ways Play Therapy Helps Children (and Their Families!)
Parents may wonder how play could possibly be therapeutic for children, or how a therapist uses...
3 Parenting Hacks to Help an Angry Child
Anger in children can be confusing and difficult to navigate. Parents often don’t know where the...
How Therapy Works
Therapy really can work, but maybe not for the reasons you may think it does. Movies and TV have...
Thriving Through The Holidays
They’re here again…...The holidays. Depending on your past experience, that can inspire in you...
Cedar Tree is now IN-NETWORK with BlueCross BlueShield PPO!
Have you heard? Cedar Tree is now in-network with BlueCross Blue Shield PPO! In an effort to...
How to Know if You Have Symptoms of PTSD
Many people have experienced emotional trauma and they don’t realize it. Posttraumatic Stress...
How To Know if Your Child Has Symptoms of Trauma
Many children have experienced emotional trauma and most parents don’t know how to identify it. ...
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Cedar Tree's Mission:
There are a lot of broken families who struggle to do life well together.
That’s why we help families create an environment where deeper connection & healing can happen.
2172 Blackberry Drive, Suite 202
Geneva, IL 60134
(630) 797-9872
*By Appointment Only*
15 Spinning Wheel, Suite 125
Hinsdale, IL 60521
(630) 797-9872
*By Appointment Only*